Sarita's Lost in Translation Poem :
Sarita's response to the assignment that was due today, to write a poem from one of the prompts listed at the EPC resource page for experimenting with poetry, of which Sarita chose number 1-3a., "Lost in Translation" :
-- Russian Avantgardist, Lev Bruni, "A Girl with Kittens, 1920"
Lost in Translation with Kittens...
the kittens play with a fly, buzzing across the room
the game of the cementation with Moscow, that one is bourdonnant of
the zone
the kittens do not understand that underneath their play is an instinctive hunter the cementation does not understand it that he is under his game a
hunter of instinktiver
batting the fly, catapulting across the room, it dives
touching in Moscow, catapulting of the zone, the Klopfer is plunged
the fly falls onto cement and the kittens turn their heads
the examples of Moscow in the glue and the return of the relative of
the cementation the witness
the fly lies still and kittens swat the still fly still
Moscow is always and for the Moscow cement always fixed immovable
In Moscow three kittens play with a dead fly Moscow three of the cementation with a damaged game of Moscow
~~~~~~~~~~~~poem copyright of Sarita~~~~~~~~~~ o~o/

-- Russian Avantgardist, Lev Bruni, "A Girl with Kittens, 1920"
Lost in Translation with Kittens...
the kittens play with a fly, buzzing across the room
the game of the cementation with Moscow, that one is bourdonnant of
the zone
the kittens do not understand that underneath their play is an instinctive hunter the cementation does not understand it that he is under his game a
hunter of instinktiver
batting the fly, catapulting across the room, it dives
touching in Moscow, catapulting of the zone, the Klopfer is plunged
the fly falls onto cement and the kittens turn their heads
the examples of Moscow in the glue and the return of the relative of
the cementation the witness
the fly lies still and kittens swat the still fly still
Moscow is always and for the Moscow cement always fixed immovable
In Moscow three kittens play with a dead fly Moscow three of the cementation with a damaged game of Moscow
~~~~~~~~~~~~poem copyright of Sarita~~~~~~~~~~ o~o/